Mô tả
Xtocky – WooCommerce Responsive Theme
- Absolutely no programming skills required
- Creative modern minimalistic design
- Dedicated Support
- Detailed documentation
- Video tutorials (available on YouTube)
- Drag and drop page builder
- Highly customizable
- Built with latest web technologies
- Effortless updates via Envato Toolkit
- Child theme for advanced customization
- Exclusive built-in Plugins
- Custom made WordPress widgets area
- Slider Revolution and WP-backery Visual Composer integrations
- Extensive theme settings panel
- Cross-browser compatibility
- Retina ready and high resolution
- Woocommerce full functionality control
- Tested with WordPress multisite
- Boxed And Full-width layouts
- Masonry, Mixed, Parallax and fixed layouts
- One page and multi-page
- Ultra responsive design
- Considerably improved WooCommerce widgets
- Customized layout for newsletter
- Left, right and sidebars
- Control sidebars as you want every post
- Demos with grade A in loading speed!!!
- SEO optimized
- Exceptional integration of touchable devices
- Ultra smooth and ultra efficient parallax effect
Shop page
- Shop Grid and list
- Ajaxified filtering
- Off-canvas toggle Sidebar Widget filter
- Product layout combination 9 different type
- 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 column
- Sidebar Control
- Breadcrumbs Control
- Possible shop page slider
- Ajaxified add to cart off-canvas
- Ajaxified add to cart hover
- Ajaxified wishlist
- Product quick view
- Product compare
- Ajaxified WooCommerce pagination
- New Product base with date control
Single products
- Four different product details for different purposes
- Gallery of images
- Featured video
- Supper Zoom effect
- Variable product selection
- Size guide and Delivery return policy
- Custom tabs
- Video tabs
- Image attribute type in addition to text attribute type
- Add to product compare list
- Add to wishlist
- Social sharing
Improved shortcodes & widgets
- Product brand image and list
- Product Category image and list
- Recent products
- On-sale products shortcode
- Featured products shortcode
- Top rated products shortcode
- Product categories shortcode
- Best selling products shortcode
- Order tracking form
- Terms and conditions
- Dokan
- WC Vendors
- WC Marketplace
- Featued:
- Sidebar Controlling
- Profile Banner and Cover photo
- WC vendor & WC Marketplace shop page vendor label option single page after cart button
- Single page product tabs Seller details information
- Single page WC Marketplace vendor Report from option
- Other all option similar to Multi vendor demo site
- Built-in WP Native Mega menu with image configure
- Built-in Instagram Widget & Shortcode
- Built-in Newsletter Popup
- Built-in Ajax Login & registration
- Built-in Product Brand
- Built-in Product single Page
- Custom tabs
- Size guide
- Built-in Custom post type slug change like Portfolio, team, testimonial
- Built-in Unlimited widgets area
- Built-in Offline page when maintenance mode
- Built-in Twitter Widget
- Header
- 7 different type layout
- Category menu enable disable vertically
- Top Menu lot of featured
- WPML plugin Language Switcher main menu, and top manu configure
- WPML plugin Currency Switcher top manu configure
- Change your specific color as you want background, font color, hover color
- Footer
- Footer different type possible
- Mainly layout 3+
- You can configure as you want
- Footer bottom: Like as: center mode, 2 column mode and lot of option to configure your text image social icon
- Footer inner: Mainly you configure your widgets here: 2,3,4, column possible
- Footer inner top: Mainly you configure your widgets here: 2,3,4, column possible
- Footer inner two: Mainly you configure your widgets here: 2,3,4, column possible
- Change your specific color as you want: background, font color, hover color
- Possible left, right and both sidebar possible
- Header
- Theme option override that page
- Logo
- header different layout
- Breadcrumb
- Theme option override that page
- Custom title
- Font size, title position etc
- Custom background image fixed, parallax
- and sizing
- Body content possible container and container fluid
- Footer
- Theme option override that page
- Copy right text
- Footer inner, inner top, inner top two possible different column and different widgets
- Masonry and Mixed layouts
- 2,3,4,5,6 columns
- 3 different portfolio hover styles
- 4 portfolio detail layouts
- Inner portfolio detail
- Portfolio filter with 3 styles
- Project details metabox
- Social Shearing
- Custom category selection
- Masonry and Mixed, list layouts
- 1,2,3,4 columns
- Advance meta
- Post Image, Gallery Video, Link, Quoit Native configure WP
- Social Shearing
- Custom category selection